The 10 Acre Bible

In Idaho’s Treasure Valley, we are building a 10 acre Bible that includes all 31,102 verses.  Each verse is engraved on a piece of granite and will be placed on an 8’ tall wall.

How can you help?

We are looking for like-minded Christians to adopt a verse, volunteer time, or simply spread the word about this project.  Jesus works for us, and this is a way we can share the scriptures with believers and non-believers alike.

Why a big Bible?

We have a responsibility to impart wisdom and to be spiritual leaders to our children and the generations that follow.  Jesus is for everyone

To Build
Community Park
Miles of walkway
11,610 Feet

Individual Verses

The 31,102 verses will each be inscribed onto granite tiles measuring 24 inches wide and 12 inches tall.  The verses are placed “up for adoption” to individuals willing to sponsor them and participate in this legacy project.

The sponsor of each verse receives 52 characters to dedicate the verse.

This could be your name and location.
Example: John & Linda Fitzgerald -  Lynwood, WA (37 characters)

It could be a dedication.
Example: For Ryan Who Lead By Example (29 characters)

Or a message of inspiration.
Example: find strength in the face of challenging times (48 characters)

The 8' Wall

The 8’ tall walls are surrounded by 2.2 miles (11,610 feet) of walkways that make there way through a series of gardens, water features and attractions.   Each row contains 6 verses with a section header to help you navigate.   

The Park Design

The walls of the park form our version of the Ichthys and spell out the word JESUS.   Given the size of the park the form is only visible from an elevated viewpoint or Google Earth.  The park itself measures 450’ tall and approximately 1000’ long.

That equates to 10 Acres with 2.2 miles of walk ways that meander through the gardens, parks, water features and attractions.  

Walking within the park you may never notice the shape unless you are at one of the viewpoints or seeing the site on Google Earth.

Preliminary Site Plan

Sharing God’s word is our primary goal with the Mount Dei community park, that means that it should attract believers and non-believers alike.   Our plan to accomplish this goal is to offer a series of Gardens, water features, sculptures, and other attractions that would be interesting for all attendees.  

We envision that these components will change and adapt over time.  

Artistic Render

This render represents the first person ground level view of the verses and the wall.

So each verse is a portion of the wall, The wall is 8' tall and contains 6 verses per row and a section header.   The wall forms the Icathys (Jesus Fish), and the surrounding green areas are made up of a series of parks, gardens, attractions and activities.

What does it mean to adopt a verse Click on the button at the right side!

Latest Updates from Mont Dei

Building a 10 Acre Bible

With 8 foot tall “pages” and verses engraved on 24″ x 18″ granite the Bible at Mont Dei is meant to be an enduring monument to commemorate our faith for this and future generations.     Explore the word of God by walking the pathways that…


Working hours

Mon. - Sat. 8AM - 6PM

800 W. Main St. Suite 1460
Boise, ID 83702



(208) 219-7727


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