About Mont Dei

Mont Dei's Mission

Love God, Love People, Create a Return for His Kingdom

Why Build A Big Bible?

We believe we have a responsibility to impart wisdom and to be spiritual leaders to our children and the generations that follow.  We also believe that as a society we are failing to accomplish this.   We hope that the construction of the world’s largest Bible is sufficiently newsworthy to spark conversations and bring God back to the family dinner table. Our hope is that Mont Dei is a destination that bridges the gap between denominations  and focuses more on what our core values and beliefs are rather than individual traditions that divide us.

 “Jesus is for everyone”

This project represents a way we can share the word of God in an inviting, non confrontational way.  Let this be an opportunity to build trust, and create a fun and intriguing destination for believers and nonbelievers alike.   Let’s get outside of church and reach people by serving our community, all the while surrounding them with God’s word and love.


What is the origin of Mount Dei

Many of the same reasons that led to the construction of the Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio de Janeiro in 1922, inspired the idea for this park and structure.  Here we are, 100 years later and we feel the world and especially our country could use another symbol of Christianity that attracts believers and nonbelievers alike.

Brazil's Christ the Redeemer Statue was also entirely funded by their local religious community.   They didn't wait for their government to see and fill a need, they took it upon themselves to provide the resources necessary to complete this important work.

Our Statement of Faith

Notice Message

This Statement of Faith does not exhaust the extent of our faith. The Bible itself, as the revealed counsel and will of God, provides the infallible rule for faith, life, and practice. It is the sole and final source of all that we believe and applied under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Board of Directors of Treasure Valley Festivals has final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application for purposes of this ministry’s doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline.

We are Non-Denominational

We are not opposed to denominations but have chosen to work non-denominationally so that through the love of God we can serve the entire body of Christ. We believe that the only true basis of Christian Fellowship is His Agape Love, which is greater than any differences we may have. (I Corinthians 12-13)

The Bible

We believe in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments fully inspired by God, inerrant in the original writings, and that they are the supreme and final authority in faith and life.
(II Timothy 3:16-17; II Peter 1:19-21; Acts 17:11; Isaiah 8:20).


We believe that, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). We believe that all who receive, by faith, Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord are born again of the Holy Spirit and, therefore, become children of God.
(John 1:12; Romans 3:21-26; Ephesians 1:13).

All people sin and fall short of the glory of God and will face eternal separation from God unless they come into a saving relationship
(Romans 3:23)

We believe that the God of Christianity is the creator of all things, is all-powerful, all-knowing, and sovereign to do as He wills.
(Acts 14:15; Jer. 32:17; Eph. 3:20; Psa.139:1-4)

We believe all ministers of Christ should lead by His example of a servant -never as dictators.
(Jn. 13:3-16; Ph.2:3-8)

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