Verse Adoption

What Exactly Am I


You are adopting a verse from the Bible, that will be engraved on a 12" by 24" stone and you are given 52 Characters to dedicate your verse.

The verses are then aligned in columns, 6 verses to a row with a section header at the top for easy reference.  The total height of the wall is 8' or 96"

The 8’ tall walls are surrounded by 2.2 miles (11,610 feet) of walkways that make there way through a series of gardens, water features and attractions

The Verse Walls are on a 10 acre park and form the Icathys (Jesus Fish), and the surrounding green areas are made up of a series of gardens and attractions.

What are the

Adoption Options?

There are (2) ways you can participate in a verse adoption.

Option 1 - Specific Verse:
Where you will select the exact verse you would like to adopt and pay a deposit of 50% with the following 50% due at start of construction.

Option 2 - Monthly Payment
Cover the adoption cost in payments.   The total verse adoption cost is broken into (24) payments.  We offer this option so everyone can participate but we cannot guarantee a specific verse with the monthly payment plan.

50% Discount for Sharing (LIMITED TIME)

We would like as many adopting participants from Idaho as possible so if you agree to like and share our Facebook page with your friends and family we are offering a discount using the following coupon codes.
Discounted to $129 with code SHARE50

Specific Verse Deposit

Select the precise verse you want to adopt.
52 Characters to dedicate verse
Exchange verse until time of engraving
Remaining 50% not due until start of construction.
Use coupon code SHARE50 for 50% Off
Discounted to $12 monthly with code MONTH50

Verse Adoption Monthly

Participate but break the cost into payments over the next 24 months.
52 Characters to dedicate verse
Request a specific verse/book/topic (pending availability)
Use coupon code SHARE50 for 50% Off

How did you determine adoption


$555 per verse

50% or $257.50 due at reservation

50% or $257.50 due at start of construction.

This is the amount that we arrived at when we totaled to cost for construction, engineering, permits and labor.

Wilderness tabernacle and multiple fives

When Moses finished setting up God's tabernacle in the wilderness each tribal leader, among their many offerings, gave five rams, five male breeding goats and five male lambs (555) as a fellowship (peace) offering (Num. 7:12 - 83).

While we would have loved to accept animals, dollars were easier to use for all parties.

Remember to use the discount code below as a special thank you for sharing the project.


50% Discount for Sharing (LIMITED TIME)

We would like as many adopting participants from Idaho as possible so if you agree to like and share our Facebook page with your friends and family we are offering a discount using the following coupon codes.

Are there any costs for


Once the park is completed we will be asking that those with adopted verses contribute

$3 per month or $36 dollars per year

These funds will be used for the ongoing maintenance costs, security and general operations of the park.  An operations budget will be made available to all participants.

Our goal is to keep the park free for anyone that would like to visit.

Still have more questions? Give us a call at (208) 724-0068‬

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