Frequently Asked Questions

The idea seems simple right?   Let’s build a 10 Acre Bible, and include every verse.   Regardless there are always a variety of questions that come up.

Here we have included a few of the most common questions.  But if you have a question that isn’t addressed here we encourage you to give us a call or contact us.



As more questions arise

We will continually be updating this section in effort to clarify any questions that come up on a regular basis.

Mont Dei Organization

If your request relates to the Mont Dei Organization, the structure or what we believe, we hope we have answered it here.


In a nutshell…It all belongs to Jesus, and Jesus if for everyone!   Now for a more detailed answer we hope you will read through the About Us section of our website where we cover our mission, have a statement of beliefs and explain further the origin of the project.

Our goal is to create a place  for Christians to be inspired, for Non-Believers to be welcomed and ultimately create a return for the Kingdom of God.

Mont Dei as an organization is a collective of like minded Christian individuals that come from a variety of backgrounds and attend services at various denominations of churches. We are not here to proclaim that one particular denomination is the only true church. To the contrary, the assumption that there can be only one acceptable denomination or church organization is unbiblical in our opinion.  We feel that Jesus is for everyone, and we welcome participation from everyone as an individual.

The New Testament teaches that there is only one body of Christ (Rom. 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 12:12-13; Eph. 4:4; Col. 3:15), it does not teach that there is only one corporation, religious hierarchy, or formal institution that represents the body of Christ.

Not Yet!   But we will be.   We wrote a post in our Project Updates that was entitled “501c3 the juice may not be worth the squeeze”.   At the time of writing we were concerned with red tape impeding our ability to move forward.   There is a quick way to become a federally recognized charity (1023-EZ) that only takes a matter of weeks, but it isn’t intended for a project of our size.   The traditional process takes anywhere from 9-12 months.   We see this as the eventual path for Mont Dei especially as it relates to the ongoing maintenance and upgrades to the project but as of today, no we are not a 501c3 registered organization.

Not at all, we will find a way to use your God given talents or resources to create a return for His Kingdom.

Everyone has a part to play in the Gospel of Christ, don’t they? Some are really great in front of large crowds. Many shine in small, intimate settings. Some are terrific in making connections in the workplace. Some even become expert Bible teachers and preachers. Others use their musical talents to write songs, and ultimately reach thousands with that music.

We encourage you to let us know how you think you  can help by contacting us.

Not Yet! But it will be.  Currently we are only accepting adoption reservations that remain Completely Refundable until the start of construction.   This reservation represents 50% of the total adoption cost. Our goal is that the paperwork to register as a charity capable of providing both tax-compliant donation receipts as well as issuing form 8283 for non-cash charitable contributions is completed by the time construction begins and the final payment is made by our adopting families.

Everyone has certain talents or God-given gifts that they are skilled in. These gifts can be used for the glory of God. Using your talents for God can allow you to be a part of the Mont Dei project and advance the kingdom of God, help others, and improve the world around you.

Proverbs 12:15

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,

but a wise man listens to advice.

If you would like to be a part of the Mont Dei project please give us a call or use the form on our contact us page so we can set a meeting time.

The Build Site & The Verses

If you are curious about specifics relating to the build site, the design and the verses themselves, we hope you will find your answer here.


The 31,102 verses will each be inscribed onto granite tiles measuring 24 inches wide and 12 inches tall.  The verses are placed “up for adoption” to individuals willing to sponsor them and participate in this legacy project.

If you have a hard time imagining this size, then keep in mind that a U.S. Dollar bill is 6.14 inches so each verse is slightly less than 4 of these bills lined up end to end.

We have decided to use the ESV (English Standard Version) when we started this project we were unaware of the multitude of versions that are available.  While which version of the Bible is the most accurate is a heavily debated topic we thought about the goals for Mont Dei.

Our ultimate goal is to reach those people who aren’t as familiar or have never heard God’s word, this meant preference was given to a translation based on its readability.   We still expect that verses will jump off the wall and grab people’s attention regardless of the translation.

Absolutely, but only one person/family can adopt a single verse.  This means that we must work on a first come first serve basis.   Adopting a verse can take place in two different ways.   One option is to break up the total cost over our expected construction timeline (24 months) the other is to reserve a specific verse through a refundable reservation deposit of 50% and make the second payment at the time that construction begins.

Those that opt for the monthly payment plan will be assigned a verse, while those that place a reservation deposit will be able to select the verse of their choice.

Things happen and we understand that.   Your verse remains 100% refundable up until your second payment which is at the start of construction.  Go here for more information on verse Refunds/Cancellation.

The sponsor of each verse receives 52 characters to dedicate the verse.


This could be your name and location.
Example: John & Linda Fitzgerald –  Lynwood, WA
(37 characters)

It could be a dedication.
Example: For Ryan Who Lead By Example
(29 characters)

Or a message of inspiration.
Example: find strength in the face of challenging times (48 characters)

These characters will be reviewed prior to engraving and any issue will be resolved with the adopting individual.

We feel it is best not to.   Most of us that are involved in Mont Dei are from a “Business” background so we completely understand the desire to show your support and dedication as a Christian owned business.  That being said, we see the participants of the 10 Acre Mont Dei bible as individuals who are like minded and have a  personal relationship with God.

Having a personal relationship with God begins the moment we realize our need for Him, admit we are sinners, and in faith receive Jesus Christ as Savior. God, our heavenly Father, has always desired to be close to us, to have a relationship with us.

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