There are many different ways in which you can help see this project through.   We need volunteers with a wide range of abilities but sometimes the easiest and most helpful thing you can do is to share the project with those closest to you.

Some areas where we could use a hand are as follows:

  • Word of mouth – Share this page and the Mont Dei Facebook page
  • Volunteers from everything from site clearing to construction tasks
  • Technical skills like video production and graphics design
  • Materials

If you want to see the Word really come to life, share it with others! As you see it touch and transform other lives as it has yours, as you see the Lord manifest Himself to them through His Word like He has to you, your faith will grow even more.

Social media gives us all the ability to reach more people than ever. However, it’s also really easy to just scroll past posts without paying them much attention.  Help us complete the Mont Dei project and the 10 acre Bible simply by sharing our page or one of our posts.   Start a conversation.  When God is an important part of your life, it’s only natural that you’d want to share His love with everyone you know.